Thursday, August 8, 2019

Assembly Line Bill of Attainder

The horrid horrid irony of "Red Flag Laws" are that they are a Bill of Attainder on an automated assembly line. Instead of congress needing to go through the trouble of saying each and every person they wish to deprive of rights and property is to be singled out and deprived of such without due process. The "Red Flag Law" say "That person (name to be filled in my the most pathos laden among us) is a menace and is to be deprived of rights and property without trial.

So some thoughts:
  • Much like the old advice on talking on the telephone (never say anything on the phone you wouldn't want a cop to overhear), stop posting anything on social media to do with guns that you wouldn't want your snowflakiest relative to hear.
  • Never let again mention anything to do with firearms with any medical professional.
  • And if you have even the slightest doubt of the stability of any romatic partner run for the hills for dog sake don't cohabitate with them.


  1. Will be interesting to see if McConnell moves on anything here. He need not;

    1. Here's hoping, but this could be Trump's "Read my lips, no new taxes."

  2. The red flag laws are not only black letter unconstitutional. They are high treason. There have already been hundreds killed in 3AM gun confiscation raids. IMO this may give the left the civil war it has lusted for.--Ray

  3. BTW I disagree with your statement. Now is the time to speak boldly, with both valor and determination. It is time for us to FORCE our enemy to understand that we will stand in the hot gates, alone if we must and defend our sacred liberty's , that so many have bled and died to leave us. ALL "red flag" laws violate more than five amendments to the constitution. They are High Treason. The communist who are pushing this know that. If they pass it will not be a few "midnight raids" on illegal warrants. It will be mass universal gun confiscation, followed closely by mass arrests and death camps. Looks like Trump really is a wanna be Hitler. And the communist are using that for all they can get. Honestly I won't be in the least dismayed to find another WACO in the news SOON. Followed by irregular warfare over widespread sections of the US. I also suspect that the CIA has one or more nukes ready to use to have martial law declared. I fear history (if anyone wrights it) will remember it as "The Bloody 20's"---Ray

    1. I understand, there's room for honest disagreement as to where we are on the timeline and what options are yet available.
