
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Quality Irony for My Entertainment.

Taliban Threatens to Bomb Code Pink Demonstration in Pakistan Against U.S. Drone Strikes

I want an internet video feed, a couch, and popcorn.


  1. If those peoplle ever actually make it up into whereverthefuckistan they're trying to have their protest, I'm afraid they're going to learn some of the differences between third world problems and first world problems.

    Serves them right.

    1. I wonder how much noise they'd make if they actually thought they could get in?

  2. I would pay to watch them walk around in Vag costume ina crowd of Muslim men. Would be a short movie though.

  3. This has got to be the quote of the day. Just too late for me to post it today...

  4. Well regardless of their take on reality, what they are doing takes a lot more guts than the typical sit in protestor who knows they will get kid gloves treatment and be released the next day.

    I hope they don't get into the tribal areas, because I think their deaths will be used to excuse the not very effective use of remote control warfare that the last two white houses seem to have fallen in love with. If you count cruise missles fired at factories, maybe that should be the last three.

    1. If they weren't connected with international ANSWER I might share your sentiment.
