
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Some People Just Don't Think

An off duty deputy sheriff who is a friend of mind came up behind me as I was leaving Sam's Club today. I hadn't seen him and he stuck his knuckle in my spine and started to say "SirI'mgonna..." By which time I'd whirled and swept his arm out of the way, and fortunately some part of my brain recognized him and hit the abort sequence on my reflexes. He laughed about getting my heart beating. I tried to politely point out that this wasn't that wise given recent events. When I didn't seem to get it I said he hadn't seen where my right hand was going by reflex.

There are times and places for jokes but remember that the butt of yours might be feeling a touch on the paranoid side that day.


  1. Exactly what I mean when I hammer on the point "head in the game" . . . . you reacted to the threat reflexively yet continued to evaluate . . . . Nice job, sir - nice job!

    1. Now if I could just purge the quart and a half of adrenaline from my bloodstream.

  2. Dumbass stuff like that is a good way for a person to get some broken bones.

    1. I'm humble enough to admit it would just as likely to be mine.

    2. I know people who would have broken his nose with an elbow just on reflex, without even seeing who it was, then turned to face the possible assailant. I tend to lean in that direction, but have slowed a bit as I got older.

  3. Merry Christmas Odie!

    Pass on my best to the whole family.

  4. Merry Christmas Odysseus!

    BTW, I've done the same kind of thing.
