
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Scottie Dog Log: Boss's Epic Battle

Today not long after boss shut me in my protective-enclosure-of-happiness, he stumbled upon a vile creature that had eluded even my powers of terrier observation. The boss went into the shed and pulled this squat red and black thing with a long tail out, he then pulled on the tail which must have woke it up because it started growling continuously, chewing grass and throwing it everywhere. Boss and the grass chewing thing then proceeded to wrestle over the entire yard, I tried to help but my very protective-enclosure-of-happiness thwarted my attacks upon the vile beast. Finally the boss managed to kill it, and he stuffed it back into the shed to warn any others of it's kind to not mess with me.

I redoubled my vigilance during my night time patrol/"walkies" but saw no signs of fresh incursions only the torn up grass battlefield of today, did 1 piddle but no poo: Fairly Good Dog.

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