
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Westboro's Mask Slips

Back when I was living in northeast Kansas the locals remember the founders of the Westboro Baptist "Church" as Anarchist-Lawyers(I wish that combination were as crazy as it sounds), who only found "religion" when they realized how much of a smoke screen it gave them for their tear down society so we can rebuilt it into a utopia agitation. The take from people who knew the Phelps family before they started getting headlines was that they were aping religion in order to blacken the name of evangelical Christians everywhere.

Well they just sent a tweet that shows a bit of true colors.

@GaltsGultch Obama Is the Only reason our country is a flote. thank God for Obama. Ta party freaks are killing our country. #tcot
This either shows frustrated impatience at their course of action or cockiness that it is so far along they can start coming out into the open.

ht: Gateway Pundit

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