
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Progres to Liberty

I've been thinking about the classic Straw-man anti-libertarian arguments(heroin vending machines, no roads, WWIII because we won't stop it) and would like to make my own modest proposal.

Can we the vast majority of us agree that the government has gone one step too far? Good let's take just that one step back. Now we all look around and then ask ourselves if a still sizable majority of us can agree that the government has still gone one step too far? Good now let's take that one step back. Now we look around and have a majority of us agree that the government is still one step too far? Good let's take that step back.

My point is that we will reach 50% of people who are satisfied that the government isn't going too far well before the "ANARCHY FILM AT ELEVEN" thresholds that get trotted out. We libertarian types will still have plenty to gripe about and the trains will probably still even run on time.

Tom Clancy once commented about the START treaties that they weren't reducing the totality of a nuclear war they were only reducing the overkill. Well on the front of the current state of governmental intrusion into our lives we could go a long long way before we are only reducing the overkill of government.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled cheesecake.

1 comment:

  1. That last slide? I'll bet the government turns a tidy profit for it's owners, who ever that is...
