
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Let's Preach to the Firing Line

Seriously if you think about the statistics about how often the citizenry of this country buys enough firearms to equip every police officer and soldier, those blood in the gutters over mall parking lot fantasy's of the Brady Bunch seem more and more ludicrous. If most of these special snowflakes ever realized how many lawfully concealed weapons they walk by every day, blissful in their ignorance.

But since gun owners are such polite as well as law abiding people I'll make a deal on behalf of all people who lawfully carry a firearm. Publish a No Concealed Carry sign on your front door and We'll find better things to do than visit your house. I have no need to waste my time with someone so disconnected with common sense and moral responsibility.  Now Allison if you live in my state your sign needs to be at least 11" by 8" with 1" block lettering, and then the entire world will know that you don't allow lawful weapons in your house. I for one will sleep better knowing that I'm no longer contributing to your herd immunity from violent crime and we can all live our lives(however long they last) as our consciences dictate.

I promise you Allison that you don't need to demand a single law or judgment to stop every single lawfully concealed gun from crossing your threshold, because the dirty secret is not only are we nice people but we're by the large too smart to bother with your kind of lost cause. Just let the world know in nice block letters and good citizens will respect your decisions.

Please let us know or have someone let us know how this works for you.


  1. Stealing this and putting it on the book of faces. See how many people I can p!ss off. Thank you.

  2. All true, and you said it extremely well.

    1. Thanks John, normally this little corner of the intertubes is a bit less serious than many but the one WaPo article was inspiring, arguably not in a good way.

  3. The "shootout over a parking space" only happens in majority black communities. It's not guns that need banning.

    1. Well as a two steps from Anarchy Libertarian I'm not if favor of banning much of anything or anyone. Nor am I in favor of handing convenient rhetorical clubs for people to bludgeon the things I do believe with.
