
Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday Libertarianism


  1. Interesting that 'Using Eminent domain for private gain' is on the Left, and Donald Trump was and is fully in favor of it.

    Quite a few 'straw men' in thee too. People on the right value 'personal freedom', 'tolerance of others' personal choices', 'civil liberties and privacy', and even 'ending corporate welfare'.

    Let me guess...a "libertarian" organization put this out??

    1. I'm not saying that I fully think this is accurate, as for Trump being in favor of Eminate domain for private use it was one of the earliest and easiest indications that his being "right" is only orange-skinned deep.

      Admittedly pretty much all info graphics over simplify complex things.

  2. Far too many Libertarians are also huge open borders fans though for that to not be mentioned. I am also not so sure a "Robust national defense" fits very many libertarians I have met either.

    1. Far too many Republicans(including recently Trump) and far too many Democrats are open borders fans.

      As for robust national defense there are some that are full disarmament in times of peace, and there are some who are "We're done nation building, if you fuck with us we're opening Woop-ass on you until no two rocks are sanding on each-other then we're going home and letting you deal with the fall out without us rebuilding you."
