
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Oh Woe Is Me....WOE IS ME!!!!

I'm done with your stupid blog you liberal pussy
 No Anonymous Troll, please I only read your comment while I was at work and couldn't respond so I couldn't beg you until now. I've pulled out hair and torn my clothes in the proper shame of your polished Trump University rehtoric and can only humbly beg your forgiveness.

Give me another chance Anonymous Troll, I swear to the great Cheetos-faced one that I will find the nearest congregation of the Branch Trumpidians and be baptized in the sacred spirits of Trump Vodka(unless they've run out of it because it's no longer made). I will join your ranks Anonymous Troll until all dissension against the perfectly coifed one, Ego Be Upon Him, is driven from the face of this world. Until the very rocks say "Tumpidian there is a Libertarian behind me kill him."

Don't desert me Anonymous Troll my fragile ego could not bare to lose your readership of my silly blog filled with: Boobs, Sarcasm, and Libertarianism.....OH WOE IS ME!!!! ANONYMOUS TROLL HAS SAID HE IS DONE WITH MY STUPID BLOG AND CALLED ME A LIBERAL PUSSY!!!!

Is what I would say if I actually cared about your opinion don't let the internet hit ya where the Gilded Toad split ya.


  1. You obviously did care about the person's opinion because you did leave a lengthy and equally childish response. And for what it's worth, both of those posters were right... Your anti-trump rhetoric is an indirect support of Hildog and, at this point, it directly conflicts with your love of the 2nd amendment and your love of women having the freedom to express themselves (since she is a Muslim sympathizer), both of which I hold dear to my heart as well (guns and women's rights). Before you say it, I'm not being an "anonymous troll", I just refuse to identify myself in anyway on these childish, semi-entertaining, yet very slightly useful blogs. I'm no Trump fan, but I'll be damned if I ever even indirectly contribute to the much bigger problem named Hilary.

    1. Well you've left me in a pickle since you won't even identify a cybernom I'll have to give you a nick name if we're to have a conversation, how about AT"2".

      You obviously did care about the person's opinion because you did leave a lengthy and equally childish response.

      Nope I was bored and feeling snarky, I figured either other Trump skeptics would see it and get a laugh. Or that the Troll would be as honest about being done with my blog as either Hillary or Trump and would see it(Hi There) and the but-hurt would be amusing.

      And for what it's worth, both of those posters were right...

      And I addressed both Ray and Pioneer Preppy in serious ways acknowledging that their conciseness have led them to a different conclusion about the best choice of action. For what it's worth I hope they are right and I'm wrong about Donald(the whole insisting on being called Mr. Trump strikes me as ominous and creepy).

      Your anti-trump rhetoric is an indirect support of Hildog

      "You will stop detracting from Glorious Leader, we are at war with EASTASIA because we have always been at war with EASTASIA." Sorry if my pitiful little blog is enough to cost Trump the election he's got much much bigger problems, and he does.

      at this point, it directly conflicts with your love of the 2nd amendment and your love of women having the freedom to express themselves (since she is a Muslim sympathizer), both of which I hold dear to my heart as well (guns and women's rights)

      Nope both major parties nominies two years ago favoring gun bans, both doing business neck deep with the middle-east, and both being quite willing to be incredibly nasty to any woman who crossed them; until a couple of years ago one of them decided that they were going to run as a Republican. Pull the other one, it has bells.

      Before you say it, I'm not being an "anonymous troll", I just refuse to identify myself in anyway on these childish, semi-entertaining, yet very slightly useful blogs.

      Careful AT"2" you're starting to sound just like the Anonymous Troll.

      I'm no Trump fan, but I'll be damned if I ever even indirectly contribute to the much bigger problem named Hilary.

      Here's hoping you're right about her being the much bigger problem or else we're all damned, still looks like a photo finish to me. The wonderful news is that Don-Don(still not comfortable with the whole Mr. Trump narcissism) said right after Kasich oh so coincidentally dropped out after his last serious challenger dropped that he didn't need libertarian leaning or constitutional conservatives who were skeptical about his sincerity. He's going to get all the Bernie voters and blacks(maybe the Daily Stormer twitter buddies can help). So you don't have to worry about little old me, he's got this after all you can trust him.

      Now I don't mind honest debate, there's a lot of room here for honest people to honestly disagree, but the whole digital Storm-trooper routine doesn't scare me. Since this comment was slightly more logos than calling me a liberal pussy I endeavored to be slightly more rhetorical, though I'll admit not a lot.
