
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Yes Please

What button do I press?


  1. Clinton or Trump. How bad do you want Bill back in the white house? Cause anti-Trump is pro-Clinton at this point in the game.---Ray

    1. Neither he nor I trust Trump not to throw the race to his good friend Hillary.

    2. Ray-I understand the viewpoint of people who have done the math and determined that Hillary is the worst thing that could happen to the country outside of the margin of error. Personally by my sums it's an even tie.

      I won't be voting for Trump which some people say is a vote for Hillary, however I also won't be voting for Hillary which by the same logic is a vote for Trump. So I guess I cancel myself out.

      I'm to the point of playing the long game, and part of that is turning the Republicans into the tiny fractional third party. I have no doubts that this will be properly sausage making ugly in the process.

    3. Yes I see your point. IMO; That Hillary/Billary would lead to a civil war we would avoid if possible. Trump IS a fraud and huckster AT BEST, but if Hill takes the win it will be Obama on meth. At this point we get to chose between PT Barnum , and Stalin. I'll take Barnum, because I'll bet he will do whatever is in his best interest. Hillary is a sociopathic monster and might just Nuke everybody for shits and giggles some drunk Monday

    4. As I said I can see where honest people could come to that conclusion. I just see the same civil war possibility with Trump, because I don't see a PT Barnum, I see someone more akin to Mussolini.

  2. I'm done with your stupid blog you liberal pussy

    1. As a writing instructor, I am deeply impressed by your reading comprehension; your capability to make a rational, fallacy-free argument, and your courage in signing your comment.

    2. Dear Anonymous Troll,

      Your comment has touched me so much I'm responding in the main section of my blog.

  3. I must try again here. Trump is an absolute necessity at this point in the game. He was no different than any of the other candidates like Rubio and Cruz etc. on almost all the issues really, which means he will do nothing about them. He only talked a good game on some foreign policy and immigration which I imagine he won't follow through with anyway because all the rest of the politicians will block him even if he is being honest and tries....

    BUT BUT BUT...

    Trump has proven he is going to take a swipe at political correctness and that boys and girls is the first step we need to take if we are going to survive the troubles coming our way. If we can take that first step and keep the shrew out of office then we have a better chance at survival.

    For that reason alone Trump gains my support and I keep trying to convince you too because I like the Red, Sirens and cosplay posts :)

    If Hillary wins I bet those posts will be banned and listed as hate speech so you should vote for Trump:)

    1. I understand your priorities PP, but mine come down to preventing a new oligarchy and that isn't something that's going to happen this election. Also even on political correctness I don't trust Trump to be an honest politician(one who stays bought).

      And if Trump wins my comentary on him are likely to be banned and listed as hate speech because even though the US doesn't have the crime of Lèse-majesté I doubt that would stop Trumps ego or narcissism.

      We all have to decide on our own what our consciences can endure. For myself I've done the research into both and I have the same disgust, horror, and despair when I say President Donald Trump that I have when I say President Hillary Clinton.

    2. I don't see any real narcissism or ego in Trump, at least not to a point of being bad. Sure he knows when to act confident and not back down but he doesn't need to silence those that criticize him with laws and force because he can defend his own position quite well. Those are the tools of the left.

      I would bet that if Trump wins he doesn't run for a second term anyway. I don't think tyrant is the type of ego-maniac Trump wants to be. His short coming in my opinion are going to be that he won't put a stop to welfare, bloated government and pork but I also don't think he is going to let it grow either.

      I just do not see any maliciousness in Trump. Not a whole lot of determination either but his stance against immigration, foreign policy and political correctness is at least a step in the right direction.

    3. Dear God my friend, I sincerely hope that you're right and I'm wrong because I'm getting very much the opposite.

      And I personally wouldn't hold my breath on even on the political correctness, I could easily see the right ego stroking leading to all kinds of new and official politically correct rules, for the little people.
