
Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday Fuck-Off Open Thread

Since my wife isn't using this schtick I think I will for a while:(profanity below the break)

Dear stupid people(if you fuckers need to ask if I'm one of the stupid people you fucking are), I feel that I have been more than tolerant about you being out in public when you aren't supposed to be, namely when I'm out in public. But if I see one more Asspopsicle-looking-for-a-stick stopped dead going the wrong way in a parking lot I fully intend to put a wire wheel on my drill shove it up your ass and pull the trigger.

I now yield the floor to the commenters.


  1. Have a bad experience lately, eh? My favorite last week was the dmba$$ going the wrong way in the parking lot at full speed and not wanting to at least get over to one side of the lane. Must not have noticed that he couldn't get into any of the spaces in his huge vehicle. Looked at me like I was the problem. Another of the many reasons that I don't go to town more often...

    1. Well the spirit of the Friday Fuck-Off Open Thread is to be a swear-jar safety tree. So is something pisses you off feel free to turn the air indigo.

  2. Yesterday, I made an exit off of I-275 in Knoxville. As I waited for the green light to turn left, I was met by a cluncky old pick up truck coming from the opposite side of the intersection. THAT would be an "exit" ramp. I have no idea how this moron got where they were but, stupidity knows NO FUCKING BOUNDS in Knoxville. Just this week, a driver got onto I-40 going the opposite way and hit an 18 wheeler head on. Both drivers killed and the truck was carrying hazardous cargo which ignited and burned. The nature of the material required for the fire to burn out since water would have spread contamination. This happened around 1:00 in the morning. The wrong way driver is suspected of being under the influence of marihuana. Idiots and mother fucking assasins prevail around here!

    Okay, I'm done. Thanks for the opportunity to vent.

    1. That's what this new weekly thread is about I nice chance to vent without bankrupting yourself to the swear jar.

  3. Cool! I'm sure to return. These last, oh, say seven and a half years or so, have kept me in a constant state of agitation.

  4. dear asshat on highway 60 in virginia, thank you for racing me to the merge lane and cutting me off to get ahead so you can go 30 FUCKING MPH ALL THE WAY UP THE FUCKING MOUNTAIN EVEN THOUGH ITS A 55 ZONE. i really fucking appreciated it, as did the other six or seven drivers behind me. and thank you for not pulling the fuck over at one of the many pull-offs to let the line of cars go by you that just want to get home after a hot days work, you selfish fucking prick. if this was a one time thing by an out of town driver i would overlook it but no, you'll be right fucking back there tomorrow putt-putt putting up the damn mountain like you have no fucking where to be. i can't wait til the cops all quit so i can mad-max my truck and push your poky ass off the damn mountain.... there, now i feel better. thanks odysseus!

  5. Dear retards in Walmart,

    Stop walking at half the speed of smell with your family taking up the whole isle. I got shit to do. You morons need to clump together and get out of my way. Better yet, keep some of your clan at the house. I know that the security guard can't keep an eye on all of you at once so there's a better chance you can steal more shit but GD. Fuck you guys.

  6. Dear idiot,

    I know that trying to light your cigorate with a bic is more important than watching the road and noticing things like stop signs and i can tell by the piece of crap you drive and how much red vapour barrier tape you used to fix said toyota that you don't care about your vehicle... but please just
    Stay home.


    1. Don't worry they'll toss the cigarette out the window when they're done like all the others.
