
Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday Libertarianism


  1. Ok but then what? Nature abhors a vac-e-ume. It would be nice if we came up with a solution for the "two party system" that didn't make things worse.--Ray

    1. I guess what I would say is that if you look at the tragectory of goverment growth under either party's control it's in the same direction only at different speeds, so we have a one party system that disagrees as to how hard to push the agenda.

      The vacuum that isn't even understood by people under both parties umbrella is to freedom and away from government control of their lives. Either morally or economically. Unfortunately either due to mis-education or tribalization people are willing to sacrifice undue amounts of their liberty to government for one cause or another.

      This isn't going to be something that comes this cycle but if we never start to educate and advocate for freedom it will never happen. Similarly those who stay on the plank when enough of us get off won't enjoy the experience either.

    2. I agree completely.. But my question stands. If our "system" is broken beyond repair. (and I believe it is) What; If anything, do we replace it with that doesn't make things worse than they are now? The thing that made the American revolution work was having a plan in place to make the change away from a monarchy. Right now all we have is lots of bitching and infighting.

    3. All I can say is that starting to figure that question out now beats having to improvise later. I'm not saying I have all the answers I just know things are supposed to be a lot smaller in government, especially in federal government. How is going to take a lot of figuring.

  2. Task #1: Decide if we really want to end the two-party system, or if we want to have two different parties. The actions to take in each case are radically different (although there is some overlap).

    1. It's not a perfect metaphor, personally I'd just like to at least see two different parties.
