
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Sunnybrook Hires a Barn Cleanup Crew.


  1. Can you believe that they were complaining about the good job that I gave them, I finally got tired of the noise and went and bought them some shovels and as you can see they are happy as can be!

    1. I am surprised they didn't demand rubber boots too.

      There is no pleasing women these days

    2. And after you spent all that money on high definition video cameras, you'd think they'd be more grateful:)

    3. PP - There was a brief demand for rubber boots but I informed them that rubber boots were to be supplied through obumer care as it was a right of all women to get rubbers. Last I heard, they were waiting for delivery in discrete packages.

    4. Odysseus - buying lots of equipment to monitor employees safety is an important part of maintaining a good team environment. I learned that at a job once when the owner said that "we" couldn't afford a wage increase but had to buy a new Jaguar since it would look bad for "us" if he drove an old car, it really helped get new business and helped everyone in the team.

    5. I'm sure they appreciate the monitoring equipment in case they "slipped" in the shower as well:)

    6. Yes Odysseus, shower safety is our number one work place goal as employees are our greatest asset!
