
Monday, February 20, 2017


I don't want to start this fight on someone else's blog but yesterday Bayou Renaissance Man had an excellent post about Atheism-Activist Richard Dawkins' comments normalizing pedophilia parroting the NAMBLA playbook. Many people had visceral and heartfelt reactions to this and very rightly so. Today I find many people on the "right" twisting themselves into an ethics pretzel over the exact same things being said by Milo Yiannopoulos. So lets break down some of the disgusting prevarication going on out their.

  • He(I) was edited/taken out of context. Okay here's the transcript and an embed of the unedited audio, if you don't have a problem with that then that's where your conscience stands mine can't stand there. Don't bother to comment we aren't going to be able to come into the same moral frame of reference.
  • There's a huge difference between defending pre and post adolescence child rape by older men. To start with neither can give informed consent and neither has even close to a fully developed brain. In both cases there is a world of difference in savvy, and authority that will make consent impossible no matter how advanced the child is.
  • Yiannopoulos can't be a pedophile he's turned in three pedophiles to the police. That's about as stupid as saying there's no way a detective's snitch could ever have murdered someone.
  • They never made this kind of stink when Lena Dunham said she raped her sister. And you're just as hypocritical as they were for defending a normalizer of molestation just because you agree with them politically. Maybe we should abide by our own principals.


  1. Ok go ahead call me homophobic....don't care! I was wondering what the heck was the conservative side doing with all those gays??? Why do they belong in our camp when "WE" don't believe in that junk? So it just was a photo-op, eh?
    So I really don't feel any angst over the outing of Milo. He is a wrong minded person; someone that I don't want to have on my side. I think he was just a red herring anyway.

    1. I've felt that way about much of the Alt-right for more than a year.

  2. I'll admit to disappointed in Milo. Statisticly 80 to 85% of gay men in studies have said they see no issues with pedophilia. I was thinking he was in that minority butbturns out he's not.


    1. It does make me wonder how many men are gay do to a cycle of older men taking advantage of them at a vulnerable time in their development.

      Much like Muslims that actually want to integrate into secular western society can't denounce the jihadist often or loudly enough gay men can't denounce the NAMBLA types often or loudly enough. Both groups desperately need to put some daylight between themselves and the crazies if they don't want to be lumped together. I wish I could anecdotally cite from my life a gay man who condemned sex with underage individuals full stop.

  3. So what do you consider "underage"? I had sex with a woman for the first time at 14. She was 19. Did she "rape" me? NO! Absolutely not! She was a virgin too. At the time (1973), "Age of consent" was 14 and was until the federal Jesus Nazi's forced a "change". So how young is too young? Who gets to decide and how will it be "enforced"? I think we will all agree that pre-pubescent child sex is rape. But where do you draw the line after that? That isn't arbitrary nanny stating? Do we just reconstitute the pre-1968 federal sex police? If we are going to say that "any sex under 18 is a felony" then the human race is in DEEP shit, as most girls "start" shortly after puberty puts the Idea in there heads.(Between 13 and 16 in the United States for about 75% of girls. 95% by 18) Most boys "start" as soon after puberty as somebody will hold still and let them, and both have done so since the caves. You can protect prepubescent children.(and should) You can REGULATE "underage sex" all you want. But if you think anyone can control what happens after they grow pubic hair you are deluded. That effort to do so is WHY Islam tosses men off buildings and puts burkas on girls.---Ray. P.S ALL "age of consent" laws are arbitrary after age 13. Only those protecting "prepubescent" children are not puritanical moralizing. EVERYTHING ELSE is arbitrary.---Ray

    1. I tend to draw the bright red and admittedly arbitrary line where you can be forced to go become an ambulatory sandbag for your country. Prior to that you don't get to vote or sign binding legal contracts either. Heck on the other side it feel it pretty hypocritical that you can't buy a beer but you can be forced to go shoot people in the head or die trying.

      I'll also note that the 14/19 gap is a favorite straw-man of a lot of perverts more than the combination of those two numbers.

  4. Men are prosecuted under the "statutory rape laws". Women for the most part are not. Again this is a matter of forcing an artificial "pervert" standard onto MEN only, as a part of the feminist man hate war. And what "age standard" for military service? Again your red line is based on something that only happens in the context of a peacetime army in a "first world nation". WW1 WW2 Korea and Viet Nam ALL saw solders in US service under 16 and the Government knew they were in the ranks. For most of human history Puberty has been the start of adult hood, and a "solder" was as old as his spear arm. (look up "infantry") Most army's don't observe an "age standard" once the shooting starts and never have. So is any male who has sex before 18 to 21 a pervert? Was I a pervert for having sex at 14? Because I'm male? And who gets to be the criminal in your world view? If it is only one group(male, Homo, or other) then the argument is invalid. You are talking about destroying human lives, so you have to be damn specific on exactly who's life you want destroyed--and why.---Ray

    1. I'm speaking in principals here if you want to speak against unequal application of the law I'm all with you.
