
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Paging Doctor Frankenstien

AoS managed to actually have that rarest of things a reasonable conversation between people who agree to disagree that summarizes a rapidly growing problem. I would argue that the renunciation of reason is far from one sided after this last year, yet it seems that since the inauguration the left has gone into renunciation mode in hyper-drive. To summarize it's no longer the professionally political who are demonizing and increasingly attacking other people who are professionally political. Now everything and everyone is political and demonizing their opponents about everything. This is leading to both increasing calls for violence, and increasing violence.

It would be reasonable to discus the self-defense when people have morally convinced themselves that physical violence against you is not only justified but virtuous. However there are far more qualified to discus bot the legality and practicality of self defense. All I can say is both be aware of and follow the law people.

What I would like to do is try to figure out how to not have this come to the historical methods of dealing with people who have renounced all reason, because while we might still have a country when it's done it wouldn't be a very nice country to live in anymore.

I'm still not sure what that will be but all I can plead is for people to adhere to the better angels of their natures, because we need to figure out how to fight this fire with water instead of fire or we are in for dark times.


  1. I think it would be more appropriate if the leftists would say, it is always right to punch Nazis. Anyone who doesn't agree with us is a Nazi.

    1. That's certainly seems to be the thought process of late, I'm trying to figure out how we get out of it without going full face-colander(tm Tam).

  2. At this point peaceful resolution can only be obtained by the following actions. Hunt down and kill the people financing and leading the left. Then kill or imprison the communist followers/foot solders. Its ether ruthless action by government or civil war. Because that is what the hard left wants. A civil war that ends in white genocide if they win.---Ray

    1. I'm trying to think out a peaceful resolution that involves less of the hunting down and killing part.

      Rhetorically "White Genocide" tends to get tossed out by scary people on both sides. Given declines in affluent people's birth rates white suicide might be semi accurate but that tends to be a function of feeling economic security.

  3. No! "White Genocide" is the publicly stated goal of the radical left. Just as it was the publicly stated goal of the Nazi party to exterminate the Jews. When people start telling you that the GOAL is the extermination of an entire race of people, and willingly engage in wanton violence, "peace" with them can only be attained with the utter extermination of one side or the other. All other options are ended. It doesn't matter if it is Serb and Turk, Sunni and Shia or the current Communist Vs. America. Once that hate takes root, one side or the other WILL die, and there will be no middle ground. Both sides will fight until they are spent. "They" will kill everyone who isn't on "there" side. "Peaceful solution" is the oldest and most futile of human fantasy's. We dominate Earth because we do murder better than anything in history. Civil war is the goal of the left Odysseus and only G_D or ruthless action can stop it (something I don't see coming). This has been coming for a long time and is every bit as obvious as Trump's victory was 14 months ago. I have come to believe civil war is now unavoidable.---Ray
