
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

What Media Bias?


  1. That really is worded, put the empathy on the INVADERS (sorry to use all caps; stressing emphasis). Great lengths taken to avoid objectivity and truth of the story. Since when does one not have the right to defend themselves and their homes? Never?? according to the MSM? Odysseus, where is the media taking us? How will it end?

    1. Do you want the depressing answer or the really depressing answer?

  2. I'll take both answers. The bad and the worst. Not sure anything will shock me.

    1. The depressing answer is a civil war, the really depressing answer might be losing a civil war.

    2. Agree with you. Also agree with Anony below. (Thought I left a comment earlier but maybe I didn't.) How does one end up being the criminal when using self-defense? (The Canada story and a rhetorical question). Thanks for the viewpoints folks. "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best."

  3. In Canada the other day. A man was sitting in his home with his wife & kids. Three men broke in armed with two stolen guns and a "large butcher knife". The home owner was knifed in the lung. While the home invaders were trying to kick in the bedroom door to kill the wife and kids the home owner managed to retrieve a .22 rifle. He killed one home invader with a shot to the head, and wounded the other two who fled the home. The home owner has been charged with manslaughter. The home invaders have not been charged yet as they are the "victims of gun violence". THATS how the communist left wants it to end in the US.---Ray

    1. Pretty much commies hate it when people are able to do more than cower at the knock on the door.
