
Friday, April 10, 2020

Still Think This Is About A Virus?

A Mississippi church is suing the city of Greenville after police shut down its drive-in service this week in accordance with a city ban on the practice amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
What really scares me is that the next question people are going to have is, "What do I do about it." Some of those answers are not going to bode well for the continuation of a civil society.

Metaphors fail me for how reckless those in power are being with the future.


  1. Ticket/fine outdoor church attendees. Release criminals from jail due to fears of Covid spread among inmates. The politicians who make these decrees, whether (R) or (D), I suspect are going to feel some tough backlash in the near future. Peaceful, protesting, "we're gathering" backlash.

    1. There's going to be some intense dug-in party over everything opposition to overcome if we wish to do this electorally. We have but to look at how quickly and ruthlessly the Tea Party movement was co-opted and suborned.

      The overt socialists on the other side can likely tell similar tales, but I feel rather less sympathy for them on general principles.

  2. Only tangentially related (via the Kung-Flu topic), have you given any thoughts to a relevant Scotch Nature'd post?

    Personally I'm looking at being out a total of six weeks (due back May 5 unless otherwise informed), but have had no need to file for any 'assistance'.

    Part of me feels like an idiot and/or cheated for not reclaiming what was stolen from me, while another part of me feels compelled to 'walk my talk' about getting .Gov out of my life.

    1. Good idea, and yes I share your frustration of the grasshoppers voting themselves out of their trouble at our expense.
