
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Balancing the Minnesota Medicaid Budget?

When various Dem governors decided to turn their state's nursing homes into defacto death camps, there was a single possible explanation that fit Hanlon's Razor. That they stupidly panicked about overcrowding their hospitals and were too stupid/lazy to arrange alternate care for nursing home patients that were still contagious.

The less charitable explanation was that they were trying to balance the shortfalls in their Medicaid budget by reducing their burden for Long Term Care. At this point Minnesota no longer falls under Halcon's Razor.

Sounds like they have a final solution to their budget shortfall.


  1. MN "had" a $1.3 billion dollar surplus before Covid. The Democrats in the legislature couldn't think of ways to spend it fast enough. Then Covid hit.

    However, MN still has, and has had, a "rainy day" fund of $2.36 billion. It never rains here....Never. We're the California of the upper midwest.

    1. Interesting, so then that makes my cynical side ask if they're that afraid of elderly voters contributing to making it a swing state?
