
Monday, July 27, 2020

The Next Stage of the Current Highway Brigandry

Given this weekend's news out of Austin and Aurora combined with previous news from Provost, I believe that people are going to become less inclined to stop for protestors blocking the highway with their bodies. For the same real reason that hijacking airliners has become harder. People are now perceiving this action as a real and immediate threat of death or injury.

So what's the next likely socialist escalation of this tactic. Short term is probably either improvised caltrops/spike-strips or vehicle barricades.

In the first situation remember that even popped or blow tires aren't completely useless and sacrificing your wheel rims is better than an angry mob. Keep putting as much distance between them and you as you safely can. Also if you're getting new tires soon self sealing or run-flat ones might have a new point on the pro side of the decision sheet.

As for vehicle barricades. Straight Forward in a Crooked World (excellent blog that I wish would come back to us with active posting), has an article on the techniques of breaching a vehicle road block if you must I highly advise reading the whole thing:

Faced with breaching a road block made from stationary vehicles a car makes a very serviceable battering ram. But like everything, there is a right way and a wrong way. Do it the right way and you not only surprise everyone, but you may also disable a few of the bad guys cars along the way. It just won't won't be in show room condition afterwards.
Stay safe and avoid trouble where possible, but thinking about the unthinkable beforehand is the first step to surviving it.


  1. Most modern vehicles have a 65%-35% weight distribution with most of the mass and structure in the front of the vehicle. The rear of the vehicle, in almost all cases, is made of thinner metal and offers little resistance when "T boned" by another vehicle. F = MA. Less mass means less force required to move it out of the way, less force to damage your vehicle or, potentially, deploy your airbags.

    1. That's one of the things mentioned in the article. As well as the best speed ranges to hit to hopefully not deploy the airbags.

  2. I took a course a number of years ago that actually taught some of the means to escape ambush/kidnapping/terrorist attack...Some of the big take a ways...First and foremost to be aware of your surroundings and of possible constriction points or areas you are unfamiliar with. That being said, one of the biggest points hammered home with live driving exercises was that stopping is NEVER an option...a lot of people box themselves in with artificial barriers...Sidewalks, curbs and yards are ALL viable escape routes when faced with a need to get OUT of a kill/capture zone.

    MSG Grumpy

  3. Modern vehicles, especially sedans, are designed to literally fall apart during a collision to dissipate impact forces. The vehicle is sacrificed to save the occupants. A good idea in a true accident. Not so good if you are trying to flee an angry mob. If your car can't handle the impact the mob will haul you from the wreckage and curb stomp you. NOW is the time to add that bull bar/brush guard to your truck or SUV. And if you drive a rice burning sedan stay FAR AWAY from mobs.

    1. Brush guards and self sealing/run flat tires might be the new sought after accessories.
