Wednesday, February 27, 2019

High Speed Cattle Cars Aren't Better


  1. Truth. Just the other day a group from UCLA was calling for the building and use, of reeducation camps. My drug and booze addicted brother (SUPER HIPPY) was going on about how We only need to remove(kill) about 20 or 30 million for the rest to just throw down there guns and get in line. Then he gave a really evil giggle and said: The stupid inbred assholes don't understand that we'll kill them anyway. It's the only way to a true commune (he lived on one in the 70's) I said. Yes they do. Why do you think they buy so many guns? He just gave me a stupid look and fired back. Because there stupid. We're just gonna confiscate them. About then I remembered why I stopped talking to him in 2015. He did to much acid, and for WAY to long. The boy is brain fried. All he is now is angry and believes he deserves "what the rich have stolen" ---Ray

    1. Sad when people distance themselves from sense.
