Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Seeing Red


More not safe to read below the break.


  1. Hope 5's red is warmer than it looks, 12 is Miss Yellow again (of course, I don't blame you), nice yahoo on 20, nice turquoise almost on 39, hi, Marilu, nice, uh, you know, on 46 (they look like they're on their way to 5th grade history), nice tush on 58, nice orange on our girl.

  2. A nice assortment.
    FYI, in the last few weeks there have been LOTS of duplicates....

  3. Nice finds. This post makes me realize I am getting older (not a bad thing). I say that because i noticed that every bolt gun in photo number 58 is for a left-handed shooter.

  4. Those are the droids I'm looking for!

  5. #16 Lacks the ability to steal your soul. Her roots tell the tale

  6. #43... crap I love how long post are but it would be easier if numbered. She definitely needs to be taken out behind the woodshed
