Friday, August 24, 2018

The Monsters Closest to Us

Like Tam's "You probably know the person, you're going to have to pepper spray", I'm afraid that we have to add a corollary: You probably share chromosomes with the person most likely to help pimp you.

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A Missouri mother who police say let men have sex with her daughter, who authorities say has the mental abilities of a 2- or 3-year-old, in exchange for drugs and money was charged Tuesday, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.
A sad story that no amount of well deserved retribution can undo,  best I can say is that if you're a non-custodial parent you really need to be in enough communication with your child to sound this kind of alarm.


  1. Once while arresting some burglars at their residence, I came across their roommate, a 13-year-old mentally retarded girl whose mother had sold her to her uncle, who was a pimp.
    And my wife wonders why I hate people.

    1. Yeah, sorry you had to deal with such, but glad that it was dealt with.

  2. It’s crap like this that has me drafting some rage/revenge fiction just to get it out of my system.
