I when to my local tea-party organization meeting tonight because our local congress-critter had sent a sacrificial staffer to explain why he voted for the cave-in that was this Debt-ceiling increase. Lets just say it wasn't a warm room, a Democrat staffer would have likely faced much the same reception. I'm not sure if Republicans realize that Tea-Party people actually mean what we say or that we don't feel ourselves married to the GOP because the other girl at the party is even fuglier.
If I tried to borrow money in my children's name it would be illegal, similarly any creditors I had would not be able to collect from anything other than my estate after I'm gone. The only exception is that I can elect a politician who will write IOU's secured by my offspring and nobody even sees the immorality of it.
Everyone bemoans spending cuts as "balancing the budget on the backs of the poor", what we are currently doing is not balancing it on the backs of our children. Who is worse?
"I'm not sure if Republicans realize that Tea-Party people actually mean what we say or that we don't feel ourselves married to the GOP because the other girl at the party is even fuglier."