Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Supplemental: TTRB

 More not safe for fan-service below the break.


  1. Just for fun you should look up "catshit one" when you have the time.--"A girl and her dog" Anime. It would have been better than the Don Johnson original. As always I love your choice of 2D girls---- Ray

    1. I loved "Catshit One" especially the pun that had the Americans being bunnies.

  2. They could have been SF guy's from any country. Japanese, Russian, Britt or US. They ALL act like that. I was amazed at how much the Japanese staff got right in that one. Really amazing when you remember that Japan hasn't had widespread military service or training in almost 80 years. They did get some small stuff wrong. But they got enough right to impress.--Ray

    1. I remember comments when I embedded it REALLY early in the history of this blog of: "I wish my students would slice the pie on corners that well."
