Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bad Feelings....

Is it just me or does this seem an apt metaphore for the attitude and ineptitude of government bureaucrats and politicians?


  1. I'll Give them kudos for inventiveness.

    Necessity is the mother of invention as someone once said.

    Since we are looking at excavators,

    check this out:

  2. That wouldn't work.
    After taking a couple bites it of it, that excavator would be swinging like a pendulum- and could take down the crane, too.

  3. These kind of pictures always intrigue me. I like to see if I can find out the circumstances behind them.

    Here is the pictures and a video of this exact
    excavator and crane:

    It's been done before as well, I googled

    crane chimney excavator... and the top 3-4 hits show this technique at a few different places.

    I was bored this morning I guess... :D

  4. Thanks for stopping by Pissed and KurtP.

    I hadn't intended to get into the physics of this but I certainly don't mind.

  5. No problem Odysseus.. like I said.. those wacked
    out pictures intrigue me. I would also like to see the OSHA inspector have a coronary if that was in the good old USA! HA!

  6. I would also like to see the OSHA inspector have a coronary if that was in the good old USA! HA!

    Now there's a mental image to treasure.
