Monday, January 2, 2012


Well mark off one more liberal that I used to respect as someone to make honest arguments.

Alan Colmes mocks Rick Santorum for how he handled the death of his newborn child. Listen you sanctimonious turd, I don't care if the Santorums painted themselves blue and scattered cabbage leafs if that is what would give them some measure of comfort in the face of such heartache. Not that you would understand heartache since you obviously don't have any heart.

Alan Colums(Right) Scumbag


  1. What a bastard.

    When my son died, we had a traditional Wake. I heard all about how awful I was for having a Wake for my son, it hurts when people are so uncaring and not willing to understand why someone grieves in the manner that they do. Traditions hold comfort. I hope Mr. Colmes never has to Wake his own child.

  2. Phelan- I'm sorry this is so close to your heart. As I said whatever comforts a grieving parent under such circumstances should be beyond comment.

  3. That guy is about as low on scum scale as you can get.

  4. John- It sucks especially when you used to accord someone "honorable foe" status when they turn out not to be.
