Monday, August 14, 2017

I'm NOT an Ubermech

This correlates with my idea that all SJWs are white supremacists.  They believe white males are so naturally superior, that unless continually berated they will become “superior.” This correlates with my idea that all SJWs are white supremacists.  They believe white males are so naturally superior, that unless continually berated they will become "superior."
This does beg an interesting question, since I don't believe white males to be inherently superior. What cultural factors are keeping other groups from banding their own social connections and capital and leveraging their own ways ahead?

I don't have a good answer, not one that actually passes my logic gates.

So on an emotional level let me say, no matter who you are:

You can succeed. It may be hard because of things that aren't your fault, it may be hard because of things that are your fault. There will be people above and below you trying to stop you overtly and by subverting your own belief in yourself.  You can still succeed.

I've seen it done against challenges that would humble nearly anyone likely to be reading this. You can succeed.

You aren't a victim of anything you don't let make you a victim, even if you are a survivor and carry scars and wounds and maimings. You can succeed. 

Don't listen to anyone selling you prepackaged insurmountable excuses to fail, don't give into bigotry hateful or patronizing. You can succeed.

If you truly find it necessary to give up and surrender to the forces trying to hold you down do it three minutes after you've taken your final breath, not one second before. You can succeed.


  1. The thing I have noticed about the SJW crowd is that the all attended University on someone else's dime, and they all do shit loads of drugs. Sober people who had to work for stuff don't tend to go communist--Ray

    1. Alas we all tend to value things at what WE pay for them. And to a greater degree if we pay cash instead of credit.
