Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday Wifus mostly with Rifus

 More not safe for fan-service below the break.


  1. Is she praying that the L-85 will fire? Nice set.--Ray

    1. Since I think she's L-85 from Upotte, she might be praying that it isn't the wrong place. ;)

    2. Better the feed ramp than the ejection port. ;)

  2. Nicely drawn Remington cap and ball revolver held by the young lady on the stairs.

  3. Well We can kiss Upotte, Gate, Girls und Panzer and a dozen others good by. AK scans has dropped everything that isn't making big Chinese money for them. They "turned over" the bulk of those manga to some fly by night outfit that has gotten slower every month for the last year until December when they finally just crapped out completely. They are now + two months behind with any translated manga, and show no sign of being able to catch up, being two or more issues behind on everything and losing ground fast. AK scans cares so much, that they just dumped the entire fan sight into archive and shut down. So that's it. Looks like they got the Chinese gold and split.--Ray

    1. The paranoid part of me wonders if this is a subtler version of the Chinese trying to stop GATE because it encourages Japanese militarism.

  4. Gate was published Anonymously this morning. No publisher credits or watermarks. Solid professional work too. Now AK scans has dropped it and dumped the fan sight. The guys who "took over" haven't published anything in two months. But there it is. The January back issue, professionally cleaned and typeset. Just everything you'd want, with a perfect (professional level) translation. If it was the Chinese trying to kill GATE (and they have been for years) I'd almost wonder if this was pushback.---Ray

    1. There has seemed to be a degree of pushback on the Geopolitical level in recent years as well. Such does filter down to the cultural and artistic level as well.
